Budapest Open 2023
sponsored by Kastaplast
Óbudai Hajógyári Island, Budapest
Budapest Open 2023
sponsored by Kastaplast
Óbudai Hajógyári Island, Budapest
Budapest Open 2023
sponsored by Kastaplast
Óbudai Hajógyári Island, Budapest
Budapest Open 2023
sponsored by Kastaplast
Óbudai Hajógyári Island, Budapest
Budapest Open 2023
sponsored by Kastaplast
Óbudai Hajógyári Island, Budapest
Budapest Open 2023
sponsored by Kastaplast
Óbudai Hajógyári Island, Budapest
This is the information page for Budapest Open 2023 sponsored by Kastaplast, sanctioned by PDGA, and organized by Kanyon DGSE. It should have all the necessary information you need to know about the event! In case you think that there is any information missing, then please get in touch with us, and we will reply to you as soon as possible.
In order to reserve your flights please visit the event registration page, and then fill and send the registration form before the registration deadline of October 19 midnight. To confirm your registration, please transfer the registration fee to our bank account before the payment deadline of October 19 midnight. Players who have registered and paid their fees will be moved to the PDGA event page of the tournament (updated daily).
The registration fee for the event is 9 000 HUF for Kanyon DGSE club members, and 12 000 HUF for everybody else. This fee covers course preparation costs, the prizes, the general tournament overheads.
Transferring the fee to our bank account should be fast and simple with the following bank account data:
Account holder's address: 1196, Budapest, Batthyány út 133/A
IBAN: HU90-16200010-10055403-00000000
Name of receiving bank: MagNet Magyar Közösségi Bank
Bank address: 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 98.
Remarks: BPO OPEN + the name(s) of the player(s) whoose tourney fee(s) you are transferring.
PDGA's official event withrawal and refund policy as published in the Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events applies.
The course is located on the Óbudai Hajógyári Island in Budapest.
Generally you will drive to the course. Please note that parking is only allowed in designated areas, and it is forbidden everywhere else. Around the Tournament Center (Basket #18) there is a designated parking that can hold roughly 15-20 cars, but island visitors are also using it.
You can also take public transportation: the best option is to take the green regional tram H5 from "Batthyány-tér" metro stop (line M2), getting off at "Filatorigát" and then walk to the island (15min walk from the train stop).
Please note that the Budapest Disc Golf Open course is a temporary one, the tournament is being played in a public park. There are park visitors, and while we are doing our best to keep them away from the fariways (information tables, fb posts, etc), we can not secure an uninterrupted playing experience for you. Plese be patient with park visitors, explain them that we have a permission from the city to run the event.
Please note that you are entereing this tournament under your own responsibility, you are lieble for your actions, the tournament organisers are not liable for the actions of players.
We will have tournament tents at the course to keep us safe from the sun and the rain, and some benches where we can chill between, before and after rounds. Two refreshment and medical stations will help us stay hydrated and safe. Portable toilets will be installed and can be used by players.
The course map is almost the same as in last year with some minor changes.
14:00 Course is available for practice
08:30 Players Meeting at TC - this is the only players' meeting for the event
09:00 First round
~12:15 Lunch break
14:00 Second round
09:00 Third round
Around 12:30 Prize ceremony
The tournament will be played in the following divisions:
- MPO - open to all female and male players
- FPO - open to all female players
- MP40 - open to players of both genders who turn 40 or older in 2023
- FP40 - open to all female players who turn 40 or older in 2023
- MA4 - open to players of both genders with PDGA rating not higher than 850
- MJ18 - open to players of both gender who turn 18 or younger in 2023
Any player can enter the competition in a higher category, so all players can enter MPO, but players can only play in a lower category if their rating allows it, so someone with a rating of 851 cannot play MA4. Players who are not PDGA members and do not have a rating can play the MA4 category only if they have not played PDGA tournaments so far, or they have played PDGA tournaments and the rating average of their last 6 rounds are not more than 850.
In case the number of players in a given division does not reach at least 4, then the players registering to that division will automatically be moved to the closest matching one.
We will use PDGA live digital scoring on the tournament, so please make sure to keep your mobile phones charged. The password for the tournament will be sent to all players through email shortly before the tournament. Just in case, we will also have paper score sheets (weak signal may be an issue).
The tournament is a PDGA C-Tier event and all official rules and regulations, and all official tournament rules for this tier will apply.
The first round will be played in semi random groups in shotgun start. The second round will be played in groups by total scores (and in case of ties by lower PDGA number) in shotgun start. The third round will be played in groups by divisions and total scores (and in case of ties by lower PDGA number) in shutgun start.
Prizes will be distributed among top 25% finishers in each division that will be announced before the start of the tournament. In case of a tie(s) for positions for prizes, CTP will decide.
Possible side events:
- CTP (closest to pin) Competition
- LIMBO Competition - Height Restricted Triple Mando Challenge
- TechDisc Challenge
The detailed rules of all side events will be published soon.
Generally speaking the tournament is a self-catering event, but to make this easier:
- On both days, you will be able to order a pizza, that will be delivered to the Tournament Center around 12:30. You will need to sign-up for this, and pay the exact price (please try at least) to one of the organisers
- We will have drinks (beverages, beer) for sale at the tournament center and water will be free of charge
- In lunch break you can walk to the kayak club "Honvéd" by Hole #1, where they have all sorts of warm and cold food
If you have any questions, please let us know! You you can get in touch with us and get a response in 24 hours at events@kanyondgse.hu or at the Facebook event page of the tournament. If you want an immediate response, please call +36 70 223 7730.